Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Discusses Gender Identity Bills
Kellie-Lynn of DeTrans Alliance Canada speaks at Danielle Smith’s media announcement.
Kellie-Lynn Pirie’s Speech
Good morning, Everyone,
I am Kellie-Lynn Pirie, my trans name was Kenneth. I am a Christian, a woman and a detransitioner. Before I was three years old my mom got remarried to a convicted pedophile. The household I lived in until I was thirteen was a chaotic mix of drugs, alcohol, and abuse. My twenties and thirties were a repetitive cycle of drugs-alcohol-sobriety-relapse: rinse & repeat.
In 2004 at 37 years of age, after a lifetime of feeling uncomfortable in my body: constantly feeling the predatory gaze of both men and women. I began the process of transitioning female to male.
In 2004 I underwent full social transition, part of which was choosing my male name Kenneth Logan Andeson.
In 2005 I started taking testosterone.
In 2006 I had a complete hysterectomy.
In 2007 I underwent a psychiatric assessment to obtain approval for a bilateral mastectomy.
In 2008 I underwent a bilateral mastectomy. After which I was able to and did legally change my sex marker and my name to Kenneth Logan Anderson.
In 2010, I realized that many of the feelings I had felt prior to and through my transition were not fully explored. I also realized that transitioning did not help me in any of the ways I thought it might. I was still uncomfortable in my body. While I had psychological support prior to my medical transition, they didn’t help me dig deeply into my distress, specifically how trauma impacted my level of distress about being a woman. And that is adecision that will live with me for the remainder of my life. I made that decision as an adult.
I simply cannot understand how, if I – as a 37 year old with a post secondary education – wasn’t ready to make such a life-altering decision, how can we possibly support, encourage, or allow our children to do so.
The decision to medically transition has impacted my physiology I will be a type 2 diabetic for the rest of my life. It has had lifelong impacts on my confidence and on my self esteem. This is simply not a decision we can expect children to make.
I am the founder of DeTrans Alliance Canada, an organization that was created to be a resource for people who are detrans, desistters or regretters.
As a detransitioner, I am a member of an ever-growing community of people who underwent gender transition then later reverted-back to our sex at birth. The need for ethically based comprehensive care for youth exploring their understanding of their self as a gendered being cannot be overemphasized.
Today, Premier Smith will put forward legislation that is vital to preserving the rights for children to make informed adult decisions, as adults. I am here today because I am proud to support these changes – changes that specifically outline the boundaries and safety measures to ensure children and youth will be insulated from irreversible surgical alterations and life-altering pharmaceutical interventions prior to their obtaining the degree of physiological maturity necessary to understand how these interventions will impact their future.
I believe the measures proposed will provide a nurturing environment in which youth are safe to question and explore aspects of their personality which are both congruent and not congruent with the social roles assigned to members of their biological sex.
Proper healthcare models, such as what Premier Smith has proposed, are grounded in a scientific atmosphere in which evidence-based practices are the standard and rigorous scientific debate is encouraged. These changes support a healthcare system that values diversity, autonomy, and dignity and seeks to provide support services uniquely tailored to address a minor’s understanding of the long-term implications of the interventions being offered. I firmly believe that the policies Premier Smith has proposed will empower youth to make incremental decisions as they progress along their path of self-discovery.
Let me be clear that while transitioning was the wrong decision for me, and something I came to regret deeply, I support transgender men and women and their ability to make those decisions themselves as an adult with access to comprehensive information, adequate mental health and physical health supports.
In conclusion, as a detransitioner, I care deeply about the health and wellbeing of gender nonconforming and gender-questioning youth, and I want to thank Premier Smith for the courage she has displayed in setting into place policies and practices to ensure that young Albertans receive the safest and most effective care possible.
Thank you.
Global News: Nov. 3, 2024
Hundreds of demonstrators took to the steps of the Alberta legislature on Saturday to rally against three pieces of controversial legislation tabled by Premier Danielle Smith’s government that will impact the transgender community.

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